perm filename TOP10[ADM,DBL] blob sn#188017 filedate 1975-11-22 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	MINE
C00004 00003	NEWELL
C00005 00004	BLEDSOE
C00006 00005	WINOGRAD
C00007 00006	NILSSON (ordered)
C00008 ENDMK

Difficulty of acheiving AI: Recognition is hard (Speech)
			    Intergration is hard (Natl Lang)
			    Search is combinatorial (Chess)

From Dendral/Mycin: importance of choosing a good task domain

From Dendral: a program that is actually useful in the real world

Heuristic Search: cataloging existing methods
		  re-discovering already-existing methods
		  discovering new methods
		  admissability of algs using heur guidance criteria

New languages and features; Automatc Pgmming
		Need for interactive debugging of complex systems.
		Need for large systms to be self-explaining.
		Today's AP pgms are tomaorrow's AI languages

Property list; obj/attrib/value triples.

Modular representations of knowledge
	Procedural repr.
	Asociative memory nets
	Need for uniformity of repr.

In a dialog, or in really any large interactive pgm, it is important for the
	speaker to (i) possess a good model of the listener, (ii) maintain
	a good, current model of the listener's state of mind/memory, etc.
	(iii) estimate (conservatively) what the listener will wrongly infer
	(if he had to guess at this moment), (iv) tell him enough to correct
	these misconceptions, but (v) not tell him any more than that.


Computer used as a symbol processor
	Intelligence can be described by sym-processing

Heur search: primacy of search in problem-solving

Goal-directd processing: goals as organizing structures

Perception demands cognition (we can see only what we can comprehend).


Cooperating knowl sources

Induction by modelling and hyp. formation techniques

Means-ends analysis: GPS

Goal-oriented langs

Augmented Transition Net gramars


Symbolic proc = intell

Power of heur knowl

Heur search

Semantics importance

Means-ends ana.

FOL pf-checker

Auto thm-provers using sem knowl

Algebraic simplif and reduction in Thm-provers

Ineffectiveness of uniform pf procedures


Problem solving  =  search

ATN grammars

Multiple know sources

Guzman, Waltz stuff

Knowl-based systems (sem)

Process understanding (self-explaining)

Logic as problem

Explicit manip of control

Genl search methods

NILSSON (ordered)

Family of repr structures (PBG, Nets, ...)

Interpretation of repr

heur search

embedding key resoning abilities into pgmming langs

Knowl molecules (minitheories)

Automatic synthesis of action sequences

Global data bases = blackborad

Use assertions for control model